Skating rink, community signs and additional Christmas tree lights

October 26, 2022

October 26, 2022

We are extremely excited to inform you that we have been approved by the City of Edmonton on the installation of two permanent community signs and a non-permanent skating rink for this winter season.

We are aiming to start the skating rink framing process on site (next to the park) on Nov 7th and 8th and aim to fill the rink with water by November end. An official community skating rink launch event will take place the first week of December. 

Please contact us at if you wish to volunteer with the installation process. Thank you to members that have already reached out to us wishing to volunteer. 

We are also in the process of securing two additional Christmas light trees for the community and are waiting for a installation quote. Potential locations would be next to the rink and gazebo. 

Stay tuned for more information. 

September 30, 2022

The board is excited to share some news with the community on what we have been up to in regards to improving the lives of our residents in the community.

The board has been looking into installing two permanent community news signs at the two main entrance areas. We are waiting for City approval on the two tentative locations. Once approved, the board will work with our contractors to have the signs installed. Our aim is to continue improving communication channels with our residences and this will be one step closer to doing so.

The Board has been working on developing a non-permanent skating rink adjacent to the existing playground. We are waiting for approval by the city and will continue to work hard to push this agenda ahead and logistics. Our goal is to hopefully have something installed for this winter. Please email the board if you wish to volunteer with logistic and installation once everything is in order.

We will continue to provide updates as things start to progress.


Your board